Website load speed is one of the most crucial aspects, nowadays, of a well built website made for higher conversions. A website that is slow will not be tolerated by the user nor by Google (PageSpeed test) – as where both want the website to load in under a second! (But atleast under 3 seconds).

How Server Location Influence Page Load Speeds

Currently, each second, half-second and even millisecond matter when it comes to page load speed, and while modern hosting providers with modern hi-end servers, won’t be able to make a website load in top speed when the user that comes to the website is located far away from the location of the servers that display the website. Those fractions of a second can be diducted by using CDN or a Hosting Provider with servers located physically closer to your target audience.

For example, if your target audience is USA alone, you’ll find SiteGround to be a great hosting provider. And if your audience is based in Europe, you’ll find Fastcomet to be perhaps more effient.

What is CDN and how it helps page load speed

a CDN is a service that provides multiple locations that store your website’s files, and deliver them to the user from which is closest to his location – CDNs do tend to be complex to handle, expensive, and they often don’t really make a big different in page speed if you’re not using them correctly or paying for a premium plan. If your website was not built with CDN in mind, the CDN may break some of the components on your website while delivering a copy of your website to the users.


While technology keeps providing us with better page load speeds, there is, still, an element to providing the user with the closest physically located server, and the server location each Hosting Provider provides should be considering according to the website’s largest target audience.

If the target audience is broad, worldwide for example, and CDN service could be a great solutions for making the website page load speed better from which-ever location the user come to the websites.

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